David Biedrzycki


For Authorator David Biedrzycki it all started when he was 4 years old. His older brother showed him how to draw a human face and David was hooked. Always loving to draw and create his own stories, and much to his parent's liking, David was always happy to sit in a corner of their kitchen and draw for hours on end. Not a strong reader in his early years, his second-grade teacher sparked his imagination by reading to him every day at recess. After attending Kutztown State University in Pennsylvania, he moved to Boston MA where he now resides. He started his commercial art career in the 1980s but later switched back to his first love of creating his own stories. He now has written and or illustrated over 30 books and visits in person and virtually over one hundred schools a year internationally inspiring students to write and create their own stories. Visit David at: www.davidbiedrzycki.com



