David Scott


Dave Scott grew up in Oshkosh, Wisconsin - home of the Experimental Aircraft Association and the world's largest sport aviation convention and airshow. He began flying R/C at the age of 9 and has accumulated over 12,000 hours of flying experience. He has worked in the development of several full-scale aircraft and has designed nearly 50 radio control planes. He is a licensed pilot and active full-scale aerobatic competitor. (In fact, he won the first full-scale aerobatic contest he entered with the highest percentage of points at the contest!) Dave founded 1st U.S. R/C Flight School and has professionally trained more than 1400 pilots in over 15,000 hours of instruction. Dave is deeply influenced by his experiences with full-scale and believes that model airplanes should be flown and instructed with the same professionalism and realism. He continues to formally instruct 60 people each summer and develop training materials for all levels of flying. When he isn't competing, instructing, or writing his latest book or article, Dave thrills crowds with R/C aerobatic demonstrations at full-scale airshows and large R/C events.



