Amy Sargent is known as "Deaf Girl Amy." Her first non-fiction book is a survival guide for new deafies. New deafies are people who suffer from hearing loss as an adult. Amy was a hearing person until she was in her late twenties and then she suffered a significant hearing loss that left her with a moderate loss. A few years later her hearing plummeted some more leaving her a functional deaf person. Amy struggled greatly trying to find her way. Facing the possibility of hearing nothing at some point in her life, she took control and learned sign language went back to college for a new career. She wrote the book because: "I don't want other people like me having to spend years as I did facing this alone, scared and angry with no path or skill sets to create a wonderful and enriching life. I am now a teacher and I feel the need to help others retain their sense of humor and self esteem. So, I put on my big girl pants and wielded my mighty hearing aids and turned on the sassy attitude and wrote a book to help people like me, New Deafies!" Amy has also launched a grass roots campaign "Flaunt Your Bits and Pieces" to raise awareness to hearing aid and cochlear implant usage and to help eradicate the stigma of wearing them and using them. Learn more about Deaf Girl Amy and her campaign at