From the pens of two travel writers, these ten ‘concise and opinionated’ travel guides are updated monthly (even the paperbacks!) so that readers can count on them being current and as accurate as possible. Dean Dalton and Andie Easton give spot-on information, honest opinions, a layout that makes sense featuring loads of beautiful, original images. Plan that magical trip effortlessly with one of their "Clued In" books. Their happy fans keep coming back again and again because they trust them and love their original and informative information. Giving no-nonsense advice to travelers is what they do, so join their family of savvy travelers and get clued in now! Available in both paperback and e-book, these guides are unique in that they contain links to pertinent information that you’ll actually use. There is simply no equivalent to them anywhere, especially for first-time travelers. This is how it all started: Excessively curious, Dean and Andie were constantly asking the questions that today’s travelers need to know. They wondered, “Are we truly seeing the best sights and are they even open? Are there any that are a rip-off? Is there a better restaurant on the next street that we should have known about? What faster, cheaper way can we get to and from the airport? What about local hang-outs? Is the city blocked off for a marathon run on our arrival day?” These and other questions took years of travel to answer but paid off in a big way. Readers will benefit greatly by these books and will simply have a better travel experience. First-time visitors to a city can feel like they’ve been going there all their life. These authors have made original, creative, insightful, and memorable contributions to the specialty genre of travel writing, and it's time for everyone to start thinking about the joys of travel again. Learn more about each of their "clued-in cities" at their Clued In Travel Books website. • Clued In Rome • Clued In Venice • Clued In Florence • Clued In Barcelona • Clued In Paris • Clued In Munich • Clued In London • Clued In Edinburgh • Clued In New York • Clued In Miami Note: Their new, specialty “Bored In” (travel experiences) books are also available in both paperback and e-book. Recent reviews: “I read information that I found nowhere else.” –Verified customer review “The authors seem honest, to the point, and give great advice.” –Verified customer review “I downloaded the 'Clued in Paris,' 'London,' and 'Rome' on to my Kindle app on my phone. Many times on our trip, we were able to quickly look up nearby restaurants, and avoid the tourist trap places. Four of our favorite meals on the trip were locations recommended by the Clued In Books!” –Verified customer review