Deanna is Recreation Therapist with over a decade of experience in Memory Care and Geriatrics. She has worked in Acute Care, Long Term Care and everything in between. She found that many of her residents and patients with mild to moderate cognitive decline enjoyed reading, however novels were too long and often confusing to follow. At the request of a group of residents and family members, Deanna created a series of short stories in a novel format. This Old Tent, The Homestead, A Hike at Bragg Creek, a Pop of Yellow and Dinosaurs of Drumheller follow the short story format and have proved to be engaging to residents living in many stages of cognitive decline. A proud Indigenous woman, Deanna currently resides with her children in Treaty 3 territory, home to the Anishinaabe people and the Métis people of the Treaty 3 Halfbreed Adhesion and Historic Métis Homeland.