Debbie Sessions


Fashion History You Can Wear Fashion history shouldn't be ...well history. Bringing fashion back to life is a journey of understanding the culture and society in which the clothing was worn. Who wore this? What did it look? What did it feel like? Where would it have been worn too? Answering these questions not only helps us appreciate vintage clothing more but helps us wear them again today. From vintage clothing collectors, to re-en actors, to theatrical costumers, my books and website help you dress in the styles of the past. With detailed clothing descriptions, hair and makeup styling tutorials, buying resources and advice on how to achieve the vintage look within your budget you CAN re-create fashion history. Creator of, a vintage inspired clothing aggregate shopping website, I help shoppers dress in vintage style clothing, shoes and accessories from Victorian to the 1960s for both women and men. Along with my husband, Oscar, we have years of experience dressing in all eras of clothing. And we dance too! Get dressed and dance with us through history using our books as your guide.


