Debbra Lupien is a Spiritual Teacher, Author and Voice of the Akashic Records. She believes the most important question in life is: What feeds my soul? The answer to that question is the holy grail of awakening souls. Having found her own purpose, Debbra is passionate about sharing this transformational experience with others so they might shift their lives out of low gear and into overdrive. Her international #1, bestselling-book, “Akasha Unleashed: The Missing Manual To You,” has become a catalyst for personal transformations across the globe. Inspired by Akasha Unleashed, people seek Debbra out for guidance on their purpose and life journey. When she’s not exploring the halls of the Akashic Records, you may find Debbra at her mountaintop retreat. She enjoys hiking, traveling, hanging out in the fifth dimension, and spontaneously bursting into song — because life’s just that much fun!