Deeja Dean


Welcome to my page! I am a mother of 5 little ones hence the author of the book "Millennial Mother of Five". I had my children between 2013-2020 and decided to write a book on the most up-to-date motherhood experience while it is still relatively fresh and published it in July 2022. I have a B.Sc. in Honors Chemistry and Honors Biology and an M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering. My children made me change my life plans, and I now work for a software industry company on a part-time basis. I have identical twins, and one of them is on the spectrum. Motherhood has been a pleasant journey as I tackled it social media- free. Although I covered so much in this book, there are certainly more areas and product recommendations that I can make based on my experience. I plan to continue enjoying life social-media-free and designed a website for new mothers to find a way to get in touch with me. My website is:



