You're trying to change the world with your business. So am I. See Digital Marketing is ultimately about two things. And not what's already out there. That's just noise. It's about making that one person's experience with your company beautiful. Memorable. Exquisite. And in doing so, them buying something from you. Again.......and again. This is what it boils down to. This is what matters. And this is what a great digital marketer HAS to understand and deliver. Nothing else matters. - Deepak Shall we begin? Founder of Purr Traffic 15k+ Students on Udemy with 100+ reviews 18 million+ views Quora, 1.1k answers written 10k Followers (real) Instagram 10k Connections LinkedIn, 100+ articles written 250K+ views YouTube 2k+ Followers Twitter Built a 25k+ email list in 4 months Featured in Inc TedX Speaker on Social Media Marketing You can learn more about me here: