Chayton Hudson is ten years old. He lives with his mom,stepdad, sister and six cats. He loves playing video games and writing books with his mom. Chayton loves to play make believe. He was always coming up with these Amazing cat characters that had magical powers. I told him one day that he should write a book. He responded, "Maybe you should!" And so we did! We took Chayton's amazing cat characters and turned them into a series of books! Our books are about a kingdom that is ran by Queen Jordy Rabbit who always needs help from her loyal warrior and liaison Chaycat. There is always something happening in the kingdom that Queen Jordy Rabbit needs Chaycat to fix; whether it be an uprising from one of the cat tribes, water being stolen from the Watercats or the source of power being stolen from a cat tribes. Chaycat is always on a quest for the kingdom of Purrville!