Dennis Keeling


Dennis trained as an industrial engineer, he spent 30 years in the software industry before retiring in 2007. In his retirement his wood turning hobby led him to publish a book on Segmented Turning and become an internationally acclaimed wood-turner. In 2012 he took a year out to undertake a Masters Degree in Furniture Design, which he completed with a distinction. During that time he started to use CNC equipment including the CNC Router. His final project at university was an adjustable rocking chair, designed as a flat-pack using the CNC. He won an international design award for this project. Fascinated by the CNC he decided to have his own CNC Router made to his specification in China. He quickly realised that there was very little published to help the amateur CNC enthusiast. The operation of a CNC was quite straightforward - it was the intricacies of designing in CAD and then working out how to machine the design in CAM, that was the challenge. He re-built his first CNC Router with a new machine control system, and became very familiar with the way CNC’s are constructed and operate. He has now progressed, with buying several CNC Routers, Mills and Laser Cutters - with all the steep learning experiences. Today he makes intricate skeleton clocks from scratch - a design and machining challenge. Following the success of his book on Segmented Wood Turning, Dennis decided to write a series of books on how to use the Personal CNC Router. He has written several books covering the basics one needs to know to use a CNC Router.



