Diana Fleming, Ph.D., L.D.N, was cofounder and comanager of Country Life Vegetarian Restaurants in New York City and London and a cooking consultant for Harvard University and Wellesley College. She earned her Ph.D. in nutrition at Tufts University in Boston. All four of her thesis papers were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Diana coauthored The 30-Day Diabetes Miracle Cookbook (Penguin, New York 2008), where her knowledge and expertise were valuable in developing tasty, high-fiber, plant-based recipes that help readers achieve significant diabetes relief and weight loss. She joined the staff at the Lifestyle Center of America in 2002, serving as Director of Nutritional Services since 2003, where her knowledge has been invaluable and her enthusiasm for down-to-earth nutrition education is infectious. Too often nutrition professionals don't know how to take the theory of nutrition from research to the plate. Not so with Diana. She has a passion for nutiriton which translates into her personal love for cooking, baking, and eating.