Diane Hudson


Diane Hudson is co-author of The New Senior Executive (SES) Application. As a professional career management coach, trainer, and resume writer, Diane teaches strategies for proactive career management. As a coach of storytelling, she has trained and coached thousands of federal and corporate employees to write professional résumés by developing accomplishments stories. Diane leads SES Résumé & ECQ Writing Workshops for federal agencies including the Air Force, Navy, Army, Marines, NRC, NASA, IRS, USDA, and more including leadership programs in the USA, Europe, Japan, Korea, and Puerto Rico. She specializes in senior level military career transitions. Diane trains on the full spectrum of job search topics. With 9 career industry credentials she is Director of the Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC) Program (a certification of PARW/CC) with 2,000 participants globally. Formerly, Diane was a Special Agent Investigator for DoD, and an employment specialist/recruiter for Northrop. She made 4 international moves.


