Doina Rusti


DOINA RUŞTI is a fiction writer renowned for her originality and epic creativity. She is the author behind the Phanariot trilogy, which includes „Homeric" (2019), „The Book of Perilous Dishe"s (2017) and the „The Phanariot Manuscript" (2015), but also other bestsellers like „The Ghost in the Mill" (2008),„ Lizoanca at the age of eleven" (2009), „Zogru" (2006) and many others. Her most recent novel is „Occult Beds". Translated into many languages, including Chinese, her writings have been honored by exegeses and laudatory reviews in numerous international publications. Among others, she received the Writers' Union of Romania’s Prose Award/2008 and the Romanian Academy's “Ion Creangă” Award/2009. Doina Ruști coordinates the Contemporary Prose Library collection, at Litera Publishing House, she is a screenwriter and teaches creative writing at the University of Bucharest.



