Do Animals Pray? It is an interesting topic tackled by Prairieville, Louisiana’s first-time author, Donna Braud. Since high school, Braud, now a 79 year old grandmother of 22 grandchildren and one great-grandchild, has always dreamed of becoming a writer. Prayer has been central to her life. And she’s always loved animals. So when Braud had more time on her hands and saw how scared and isolated COVID-19 was making people, she wanted to make a difference. A positive, spiritual, whimsical children’s book would do just that. Everything had turned so negative with the COVID pandemic. Everything on TV or in print was about the Covid threat. Braud’s prayer list was getting longer and longer by the day. She decided since she had been dreaming 59 years of writing a book, it was time to make her life long dream come true! Born and educated in Kentucky, and now living in the lively state of Louisiana, Braud admits family, work, Church, and community had always come first thru the years. But in March 2020 Covid changed things! Braud quit her job, and had time to learn about the self publishing business. She noticed people seemed , angry, scared, and divided from this pandemic. She thought the animals could see this also! As a former teacher, Braud decided to pull out a pencil and write something positive to teach children in a happy way! She dedicated her work to her own children and grandchildren for all the hours of listening to her stories thru the years. Now she autographs every book, “It is never too late to be what you might have been!” More books are coming from Braud, because she realizes that dreams do come true if you believe in yourself!