Doug Hershey


Whether writing or speaking, Doug Hershey shares from a perspective of historian and storyteller. His accounts of Israel, the Middle East and the awakening of bible prophecy are as intriguing as they are rare. In his bestselling photo book, Israel Rising, Doug tracks 2000 years of Israel’s insurmountable history with over 100 then/now photo comparisons, all thru the lens of bible prophecy. The "Ancient Prophecy Modern Lens" series continues to capture these Ancient Prophecies and their tangible fulfillments with a Modern Lens with a brand new online course, "10 Prophecies Fulfilled in Your Lifetime" (only at, soon followed by the much anticipated upcoming photo book "Jerusalem Rising" available in summer of 2021! Doug is the founder of Ezra Adventures (, a boutique travel and education company, specializing in exclusive customized small group travel throughout Israel and the Middle East. To keep up with the latest research or adventure, follow him at and "Doug Hershey Author" on FB and IG.


