Doug Kelsey PT PhD


Doug Kelsey, PT, Ph.D. is a physical therapist and expert in human movement and performance. He is the author of The Runner’s Knee Bible, The 90 Day Knee Arthritis Remedy, and Build a Rock Solid Core and Better Hips, Better Life. Doug’s Street Cred: -Founder of the largest, independent physical therapy practice in Austin, TX. -Performance coach and physical therapist since 1981. -Conducted over 20,000 consultations and 100,000 training sessions with people from all walks of life (Olympic and Professional athletes, to weekend warriors to moms and dads and their kids). -Former Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. -Former Adjunct Professor, Texas State University, School of Physical Therapy. -Presented independent research nationally and internationally. -Owner of two patents on anti-gravity exercise devices. -Author of hundreds of articles and four books. -Conducted over 250 national and international seminars for trainers, therapists, and clinicians. -Online resume is at His core health philosophy is simple: life is movement. When you can’t move freely or in a way you need or want to, suddenly your life seems a lot smaller. So, Doug promotes movement through the fundamentals first: know your abilities and weaknesses, work on the weakness. Build your stability, balance, and endurance, then your strength, stamina, and power. Read more about his story at


