Dr. Amanda Hanson


Dr. Amanda Hanson is a clinical psychologist and a global influencer who has helped millions of women to reimagine their lives, reconnect with their feminine side, and heal generational trauma. Dr. Amanda sees female psychology and physiology as a harmonious system where the wellness of one cannot be considered without the other. She believes that due to the various physical and emotional disruptors in modern society, that harmonious system easily gets out of balance, but society doesn't encourage women to look at the cause, offering us another bandaid solution instead. "Women are rarely encouraged to learn the deeper truth about their bodies and minds and the connection with the impact their environment makes on them. Instead, they are often offered another numbing mechanism that will allow them to stay in the same paradigm for a little longer. I despise that. Women's bodies and minds are incredible and wise. We just don't expect them to learn that, and we do not teach women how to build proper relationships with either." - Dr. Amanda Hanson Dr. Amanda is a leader of a global community for women on a healing journey. She dedicated over 27 years of her life to helping women as a psychologist. In June of 2022 Dr. Amanda began her public speaking journey and in less than 2 years her message reached over 250,000,000 people. Dr. Amanda is a mother of 4 children, she has been married for 28 years, and she resides in South Florida.


