Christian Sawyer


Dr. Christian Sawyer is a nationally-recognized Social Studies teacher who has implemented and taught AP Human Geography and other social studies courses at both the high school and college levels for nearly a decade. In addition to his high school teaching and school leadership, Dr. Sawyer has served as the "Teacher in Residence" at Vanderbilt University's top-ranked Peabody College of Education, teaching courses in Human Geography and Social Studies Education, among others. Additionally, he has been a guest instructor in Taiwan, an instructor of Geopolitics at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, and an Atlantik-Brueke Fellow studying German-American relations with the Department of Education. Dr. Sawyer's work in advocating for broader geographic awareness led to his recognition as a National Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year by the National Council for the Social Studies; the Tennessee Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year by the Tennessee Council for the Social Studies; a Tennessee Distinguished Educator; the recipient of the "Educator Award" from the Nashville Mayor's Commission on People with Disabilities; and a "Local Hero" by Vanderbilt University. In 2007, Dr. Sawyer became one of the youngest people in the country to be named a regional finalist for the White House Fellows Program, the nation's most prestigious program for distinction in public service and leadership. Dr. Sawyer has written and edited Social Studies curriculum for the Modern Red Schoolhouse Institute and other publishers. He also serves on state and national Social Studies committees and is a community volunteer. A native of Louisville, Kentucky, Dr. Sawyer graduated with highest distinction, Phi Beta Kappa, from the Honors Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After earning his master's degree and being inducted into the nation's oldest education honor society, Kappa Delta Pi, Dr. Sawyer completed his doctorate at Vanderbilt University.


