Dr Dan Foss


Dr. Dan Foss graduated from Western States Chiropractic College in 2003. His fresh outlook on health, nutrition, and exercise has helped thousands of people not only get well but stay well for a lifetime. His goal as a Chiropractor is to help educate and empower people to understand how the human body works so that they can make the best decisions regarding their health and well-being. Over the last 16 years he has practiced Chiropractic and the last 11 years has owned and operated Pura Vida Chiropractic, a wellness center based in San Antonio, Texas. When not practicing he is a father, husband, coach, mentor, and amateur endurance athlete. ** Soy un holístico médico entrenado que se ha centrado en el ayuno intermitente, dietas cetogénicas, LCHF, entrenamiento con pesas, y deportes de resistencia durante los últimos 20 años. He descubierto cómo combinando el ayuno intermitente con una dieta cetogénica me ha llevado por un camino de adaptación a las grasas, pérdida masiva de peso, y una increíble energía y salud. Dale a un hombre un pez, que le puede dar de comer por un día. Enseña a un hombre a pescar, que le puede dar de comer para toda la vida.



