Iya Whiteley


DR IYA WHITELEY by profession - Aviation and Space Psychologist, designing displays for pilots, developing training for Astronauts with a background in Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Engineering. By motherhood - an innovative Baby Book Designer and Illustrator to give newborn babies the best possible start on our unique planet Earth. + 25 years in research and development of techniques and technology to improve our performance and well-being. + 13 years, Director of the Centre for Space Medicine at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London. + 15 years in Public Speaking and Outreach to inspire the next generation. + 6 episodes on BBC Science Expert Presenter on ASTRONAUTS: DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? with Astronaut Chris Hadfield and Dr Kevin Fong. Watch it under a new title on all on-line TV platforms: ASTRONAUTS: TOUGHEST JOB IN THE UNIVERSE. Iya designed both equipment and training programmes to improve the performance of highly trained professionals, including military pilots, astronauts, cosmonauts and surgeons. Iya has worked at the European Astronaut Centre (European Space Agency) in Cologne, Germany and collaborated with NASA and the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre in Star City, Russia. Since having her own children, Iya now also teaches courses for parents to help find our own individual parenting approaches and communication styles with our children, designs nature based high contrast black and white visual books for a newborn and baby to UNLOCK YOUR CHILD’s INFINITE POTENTIAL & NURTURE OUR NEWBORN GENERATION’s Brilliance from Day One! Join Iya's mission through courses, podcasts, public speaking & personal mentorship! Twitter: @ IyaWhiteley Find me by searching: Linktree dr iya whiteley


