Dr. John & Pastor Erin Carmichael have preached faith in the Word of God for over 20 years in many parts of the world. From serving as pastors in small to large churches to traveling to churches and tent meetings, the fire and commitment to declare the miracle power of God has never been more intense. “We are committed to declaring and demonstrating the power of God with signs and wonders in the whole person: spirit, soul, and body.” ~ Dr. John Carmichael They are in their 3rd time serving at EWPC (1991-1994, 2001-2005, & 2007 to present). They have also served at Victory World Outreach Center (Richmond, KY 1996-1999) and First Assembly of God (Clinton, KY 2005-2007). Currently serving as pastors at a powerful church called Evangel North Church in Clarksville, IN (an extension of Evangel World Prayer Center, Dr. Bob Rodgers.) “We see the lost saved, sick healed, and people set free.” Dr. John Carmichael As well as supporting pastors and churches by preaching revivals and conferences worldwide. They are committed to the church and uplifting the arms of pastors by preaching and teaching God’s Word with signs and wonders following. Dr. John & Pastor Erin have been married for over 20 years and are parents of 5 children. John’s educational background includes: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA, Accounting) from Eastern Kentucky University (1999) Master of Divinity (MDiv) from Oral Roberts University (2019) Doctor of Ministry (DMin) from Oral Roberts University (2024) Recipient of the Vinson Synan Award for outstanding MRP, “Using the Jesus Model to Enhance Healing in the Local Church.”