It began my freshman year in college. I had to present on a novel, so I chose A.C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. As I read, however, I continually encountered unfamiliar words. After looking up their definitions, I drew little pictures in the margins to help me remember their meanings. Since then, I’ve drawn thousands to help students learn difficult words for the SATs, ACTs, GREs, MATs, etc. While tutoring, I earned master’s degrees in English Education (MSEd) and English Literature (MA), completed my doctorate (EdD), and joined Mensa. My goal now is to help students across the world grow their vocabularies. If you have suggestions, questions, or would like a word cartoon of your choice drawn and posted on WordCartoons.com, please email me: DrFurnell@WordCartoons.com. Enjoy! ~Dr. Joshua Furnell, EdD “Dr. Vocabulary”