Dwayne Walker is a fifty something year old Texan who enjoys spending time with his family hiking in the woods and prairies near his rural home. Since his childhood, Dwayne had a deep fascination with world history, which he later turned into a career as a historian. Dwayne has written a number of non-fiction books and articles on historical topics and more recently has also delved a bit into fictional writing. Some of the topics that Dwayne has been published on include Texas history, world history, and the history of warfare. Walker has also conducted research and writing on the topic of terror and how it affects populations, which is how he began work on serial killers. If you want to contact Dwayne you might reconsider trying to email him because he enjoys spending most of his free time in the great outdoors, far from cities and any type of modern technology. Walker is in the process of creating several more works, so look for those in the near future.