I taught American History, Military History, and Historical Writing at San Jose State University from 1988 to 2002. I am a trained military historian, not a journalist or a history buff. I am fluent and literate in German. My subject area is largely WWI, POW escapes, anti-submarine warfare (ASW), and German U-Boat operations. I have also written books on naval and Army aviation covering the period 1925-1942. My work has also appeared in The American Neptune (German Gunboats in China), The Quarterly Journal of Military History (German U-Boats), and Naval History (German Gunboats in China, 1898-1914), and in several anthologies. I also wrote the foreword to Gaylord Kelshall’s, The U-Boat War in the Caribbean. and the Naval Institute’s Classics of Naval Literature title, Voyage of the Deutschland. In January 2020 my latest book will be released by the University of Nebraska Press, An Incipient Mutiny:The story of the U.S. Army Signal Corps Pilot Revolt.