Ed Gamboa


Ed Gamboa practices general surgery and resides in California with his wife Lucie, a pediatrician. When not taking care of patients or doting on their grandchildren, they love to travel. Ed's articles have appeared in the Asian Journal, St. Anthony Messenger, and the Philippine Inquirer. "From Mt. Krizevac to Mt. Carmel," his first book, was published in 1993; "Virtuous Healers," his second, in 2008. A historical novel, "The Dark Nights of Father Madrid," was serialized in the Asian Journal and is now available in Kindle Vella. He was recognized as the most outstanding alumnus of his medical school in 2011. A fellow of the American College of Surgeons and the International College of Surgeons, Ed earned an MA in Theology from the University of Notre Dame in 2016.


