Ed Gaulden - Lives in South Carolina with his wife, Vivian. His mother says he began writing at the age of five! Ed's primary career was the U.S. Army. Professionally, he wrote and edited newsletters for the Army and later, several large corporate newsletters. Many of his military newsletter readers worked at prestigious offices, such as at the Pentagon and the White House. In addition to newsletters, Ed also wrote Army technical and field manuals. Ed is the author of hundreds of short fiction stories. He has 14 books on Amazon.com, Kindle and print editions. Ed has recently finished crafting a 350 page, Honeymoon: The Trail To Wibaux, a sequel to his popular 400 page, To Boldly Love. To Boldly Love is based on Mary Moody's 1881 diary. When she left home at 21 years old she was in crisis, stifled by her abusive father, crushed by homesickness, thrilled by independence, and faith to meet one good man.