Ed Young


Ed Young is a pastor, author and conference speaker noted for his creative communication style. He is the founding pastor of Fellowship Church and a New York Times bestselling author. Ed and his wife Lisa have been married for over 40 years and have four children, one who is in Heaven. Fellowship Church is known for creatively and boldly communicating the Bible and equipping people for the challenges of everyday life. Through his leadership as founding and Lead Pastor of Fellowship Church, the church has been consistently ranked as one of the most attended churches in North America over the past decade. Since 1990, Fellowship has grown from 30 families to multiple campuses in Dallas/Fort Worth (TX) and an online campus as well. With a passion to equip and train leaders in the church, Ed began C3 Global, CreativePastors.com and the Creative Church Conference (C3) in order to provide resources to thousands of pastors and leaders around the world. Ed has also had the opportunity to publish several books on the topics of leadership, Christian living, marriage and parenting. Ed is a New York Times best-selling author and his books include: Sexperiment: 7 Days to Lasting Intimacy with Your Spouse. His other books include: The Marriage Mirror; The Creative Leader; and Outrageous, Contagious Joy. Ed’s latest book, A Path Through Pain, will release in November 2023.



