Ekaterina Lukasheva


Ekaterina Lukasheva is a contemporary origami artist. She was first acquainted with origami as a young student, quickly adopting it as her hobby. Her interest continued to increase as she began her studies at Lomonosov Moscow State University as a student of mathematics and cybernetics. It was then that she began inventing her own unique, modular origami models. After a successful launch of her website, http://www.kusudama.me, she unwittingly developed a fan base from around the world. Ekaterina has been the guest of honour in many origami conventions all around the world. Her publications: "Curved Origami" (2021),"Floral Origami" (2018), Modular Origami Kaleidoscope" (2016), "Modern Kusudama Origami" (2015), "Kusudama Origami" (2014).


