Hello, I am Elisa Ganz! My life is NOT Modern, it’s Messy, NOT trendy but down right terrifying at times and definitely NOT glamorous; however, it's perfect for me. With a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and after 20+ years of business experience as a consultant, helping companies create and articulate the heart and soul of their story and brand, I became what I like to say, a reincarnated mom. In 2016, at the age of 45, after raising 5 adult children, going through a divorce and remarrying, I gave birth to triplets. We were blessed with Identical twin girls and a boy. Needless to say, my consulting business shifted. I reduced my client load and I started to venture into my creative side in order to keep me from going too crazy with the triplets, while waiting to unleash the full on business side of me again. I ventured into photoshoots and shared my creativity on various social media platforms. During Covid, when all my client's had to pivot strategies to stay in business, life shifted yet again for me. It was the perfect opportunity for yet another creative adventure to do with the triplets during a worldwide shut down. I started the Tripleteers YouTube channel with my daughter in law Mo. We created content with the triplets for a year or so. The barriers to entry for a new YouTuber was too much for this triplet mom and at this point I was now a grandma to 11 grandchildren. The triplets are now in Elementary school and I'm transitioning back into the business world, but having a creative outlet is a must for me. Since story telling is basically a part of me, I decided to finally attempt to write the children's book I had written almost 30 years prior. 2023 was going to be the year to make it happen. Working with Power Book Publishing created serious MOMentum for me and now I have the perfect timeless gift to give to my children and grandchildren for Christmas. So, with all that said, I am a new author. What I create may not be professional, but what I create is created from the heart, with passion, by me. I already have my next book in the works. Stay tuned, this isn't THE END, it's only THE BEGINNING. I hope you enjoy my books. Elisa