Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross earned a place as the best-loved and most-respected authority on the subjects of death and dying. Through her twenty-three books, as well as her key role in starting the hospice movement and years working with terminally ill children, AIDS patients, and the elderly, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross brought comfort and understanding to millions coping with their own deaths or the death of a loved one. Dr. Kubler-Ross, whose books have been translated into forty-four (44) languages, passed away in 2004 at the age of seventy-eight. Before her death, she and David Kessler completed work on their second collaboration, On Grief and Grieving. The Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation continues her work in: hospice, palliative care, and grief around the world. See www.EKRFoundation.org for more information.



