Eloy M. Cebrián (Albacete, 1963) is a storyteller, newspaper columnist, and literary translator. Among his novels are "The Photographer Who Made Nativity Scenes," "Under the Cold Light of October," "Memoirs of a Ghost," "The Man Who Responded to Spam Emails," "The Girl on the Swing," "The Game of the Dead," and the Cervantine cycle composed of "Madrid, 1605" and "Madrid, 1616." For young readers, he has written "Under the Cold Light of October," "Operation Beowulf," and "Why Does Everything Get Messed Up at 17?" His stories have been collected in volumes like "Fireflies and 20 More Stories," "Communion," and "Cannibals." As a result of his work as a creative writing teacher, he authored the book "Narrative Manual: How to Summon the Muses and Write a Great Novel." In addition to numerous short story awards, he has received the Jaén, Francisco Umbral, and Ateneo-Ciudad de Valladolid novel awards, and has been a finalist for the Herralde and Fernando Lara awards. Since 2000, he has co-directed the literary creation magazine El Problema de Yorick.