Eric Lofholm is a Master Sales Trainer who has taught his proven sales systems to thousands of professionals around the world. He is President and CEO of Eric Lofholm International, Inc., an organization he founded to professionally train people on the art and science of selling. Eric began his career as a sales failure. At his first sales job he was put on quota probation after failing to meeting the minimum quota two months in a row. It was at this point that Eric met his sales mentor. After being professionally trained Eric achieved his quota and eventually become the top producer at that company. Eric went on to become the top producer at 2 more companies prior to starting Eric Lofholm International. Eric is a naturally gifted teacher. For over 14 years Eric has been sharing his proven sales increasing ideas with people all over the world. Eric believes that selling equals service. He also believes in working towards mastery of the fundamentals of lead generation, appointment setting, and delivering a high quality presentation. Eric has delivered over 1,500 public and private presentations in companies such as: Microsoft Smith Barney Primerica State Prison Bell South Norwest Mortgage Bank of New York GTE Lexus World Financial Group CitiCorp MCI ERA Sega Chamber of Commerce Toastmasters Century 21 RE/MAX Bell Atlantic Texas Instruments Ford Motor Company Mary Kay Excel Communications Chrysler Pritchett and Associates Ikon Sheraton Nabisco Time Warner Silicon Graphics Toyota Prudential Acordia Phillips The U.S. Army Fortis Olde Discount Brokers Merrill Lynch Coldwell Banker Sebastiani Vineyards Hilton Danka Sun Microsystems Pitney Bowes Acura Honda He is also an instructor for CEOSpace, and Networking University. Eric is the author of How to Sell in the New Economy, How to Master the Science of Goal Setting, and 21 Ways to Close more Sales. Eric and his 2 children, Brandon and Sarah live in Rocklin, California.