Erica Marcano


Erica Marcano is a BOC-certified Athletic Trainer, and an NSCA-certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. She is also trained in Blood Flow Restriction, John F. Barnes Myofascial Release, Pranayama, Meditation, and Yoga Nidra. She holds a Bachelor's of Science in Sports Sciences, and Master's of Science in Athletic Training, as well as a Certificate in Global Sports Management. Erica has worked in multiple settings throughout her career, including education, collegiate athletics, outpatient sports rehab, and boutique health and wellness. She believes that our bodies were made to move, and currently specializes in helping clients dealing with long-term or chronic orthopedic injuries who have completed their physical therapy, but are looking for additional support to improve their athletic performance and overall fitness. By providing strength and conditioning services with an athletic training lens, coupled with practices such as breath work, visualization, and meditation, she helps these clients reconnect to their strongest and most capable selves to keep injury from becoming identity. She is also dedicated to providing resources and mentorship to colleagues struggling with burnout, and to education and advocacy efforts for the profession of Athletic Training and the health & safety of athletes everywhere.

