Hi, I’m Erin. I love lifting lessons out of life's messes. And then sharing them with you. When my son nearly died at four and a half months old, all my dreams took a nosedive into the abyss of the brokenhearted, and I struggled to make sense of anything. But in that dark place, I sought the face of God and He showed up in a big way. As it turns out, if you believe, you will see the glory of God (John 11:40). My young dreams took a detour, but God has shown me that those phases, perceived failures, and even tragedy have been fateful encounters with my purpose – and boy have they humbled me. “NOW, IN THIS CRAZY WORLD OF HASHTAGS AND BROKEN PEOPLE, I GET TO SHARE MY JOURNEY OF REDEMPTION AND HOPE WITH YOU. NO MATTER WHERE YOU COME FROM, YOUR BACKGROUND, OR HOW YOU’VE BEEN BROKEN, I CAN’T WAIT TO SHARE WITH YOU HOW YOU’VE BEEN CREATED TO SHINE.”