Eugene C. Roehlkepartain is vice president of research and development at Search Institute, a Minneapolis-based nonprofit organization that partners with schools, youth programs, community coalitions, and other organizations to conduct and apply research that promotes positive youth development and advances equity. He is widely recognized for his expertise in positive youth development, international youth development, spiritual development, and family strengths and engagement. Roehlkepartain is responsible for designing and leading major applied research initiatives and leading major innovation projects that seek to apply the findings from research in real-world contexts. Since joining Search Institute in 1991, Roehlkepartain has contributed to the organization’s groundbreaking work on developmental relationships, Developmental Assets, spiritual development, youth thriving, and community-wide approaches to child, youth, and family well-being. He regularly provides consultations, workshops, and presentations to educators, youth workers, and other professionals across the United States and internationally. He is author, co-author, or named editor of numerous books, reports, articles, and other resources based in Search Institute’s research on positive youth development. Among his major publications are The Handbook of Spiritual Development in Childhood And Adolescence (Sage, 2006), Keep Connected: Strengthening Families by Strengthening Relationships (Search Institute, 2017); Relationships First: Creating Connections that Help Young People Thrive (Search Institute, 2017); Building Assets in Congregations: A Practical Guide for Helping Youth Grow Up Healthy (Search Institute, 1998); and Growing Up Generous: Engaging Youth in Giving and Serving (Alban Institute, 2000). Roehlkepartain’s Ph.D. is from the University of Minnesota is in education: curriculum and instruction, with a focus on the intersection of family, youth, and community development. He also has a bachelor’s degree in religion and journalism from Baylor University.