Francesco Marciuliano is writing his own bio in the third person either in an attempt to convince you he somehow possesses the clout to attract his own Boswell-like biographer or because he has suffered a complete nervous breakdown and has convinced himself he actually hired a writer with a strikingly similar name. Francesco is the author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller "I Could Pee on This and Other Poems by Cats." He is also the writer of the comic strips "Sally Forth" and "Judge Parker" and as head writer for the PBS series "SeeMore’s Playhouse" won two 2007 Daytime Emmys. Francesco has written for the Onion News Network, Smosh, McSweeney’s, and had a play produced at the New York International Fringe Festival. His other books include "I Could Chew on This and Other Poems by Dogs," "Claw the System: Poems from the Cat Uprising," "You Need More Sleep: Advice from Cats," "I Knead My Mommy and Other Poems by Kittens," "I Could Pee on This, Too" and the brand new "All Cats Are Introverts." Francesco Marciuliano is available for viewing Monday-Saturday, 9AM to 5PM (closed on Sundays and holidays, including ones he just made up). Please inquire about group-rate discounts as well as the audio tour guide inside his head.