Frank Meadows, LCSW, is the founder of the Meadows Healing Prayer Center in Chesapeake, Virginia. He has been a mental health professional since 1980, is a licensed clinical social worker, and for many years was the clinical director at Christian Psychotherapy Services. Since 1999 many people have come from across the United States and internationally to receive Frank’s intensive Mind Renewing Healing Prayer ministry. He has ministered well over 20,000 hours using Mind Renewing Healing Prayer with many experiencing dramatic life changing results. He has extensive training in Theophostic Healing Prayer. His calling to the Body of Christ, and especially leadership, is to help others find wholeness in order to walk fully in their destiny. He has ministered and taught on emotional healing and Mind Renewing Healing Prayer training seminars throughout the United States, as well as in Turkey, Ghana, South Africa and Mozambique. Frank has taught at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship Kingdom Living School in Virginia Beach, Virginia; at Heidi Bakers’ Iris Ministries Harvest Missions School in Mozambique, Africa; at the Leadership MetaFormation Institute in Redding, California, with Tony Stoltzfus; and at the Theophostic Prayer Ministry International Conventions. He has done several TV shows and interviews on healing, on CBN, as well as with Isik Abla on her show, Embracing New Life, broadcast throughout the United States, Africa and the Middle East. Frank is an elder and teacher at Big House Church in Norfolk, Virginia. He has been married to his wife, Beth, since 1976, who works at the Christian Broadcasting Network for Orphans Promise. They reside in Chesapeake, Vir-ginia and they have two married adult sons, Ryan and his wife Catherine and Jonathan and his wife Anna and granddaughter Summer.