Fred Alcaire


The pen-name Fred Alcaire is an anagram of "free radical" and was chosen because it represents the freedom of spirit and expression which characterise this author. Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor! Not exactly, but Army Veteran Fred, with active service in two campaigns, has had a wide and long life-experience. From ice-cream maker, through office worker, hotel waiter, labourer, and steelworker in his younger days in England to pioneering manager in Australia's fledgling iron ore industry and owner/operator of his own business (with heavy involvement in community matters and politics on the side) has seen this maverick poet and playwright develop into a controversially deep thinker and writer. Alcaire welcomes feedback and debate (but is not involved in intrusive social media) and will try to respond promptly to any constructive contact. He can be reached via: With 4 children and 9 grandchildren from earlier relationships he is now happily married to a Vietnamese poet and wonderful cook. With her family, and at the fifth attempt, she escaped her beloved Motherland in 1980, in a tiny boat and with only the clothes they wore, to not only survive but also to work hard and prosper in Australia where they eventually opened their own restaurant. Fred and his wife live in an inner-city suburb of Perth in Western Australia where he is pursuing his hobby of lapidary, specialising in Australian gem opal, as well as continuing to write.

