Gaston King, a devoted animal caretaker, holds an unwavering passion for storytelling and calls Saint Augustine, Florida, home. Since 2017, he has immersed himself in the world of conservation and the nurturing of animals under professional care. His journey in working with, around, and for animals led him to his wife, a fellow animal enthusiast who shares his love for marine mammals. With an unshakeable passion for the art of storytelling, he carved out his niche, and found his voice both on paper and onstage. During weekends, he volunteers at a wildlife reserve, where he engages with a diverse array of exotic animals, including lions, tigers, and a special coatimundi. Drawing from his background in theatre, King has embarked on a mission to seamlessly blend his love for animals and theatrical storytelling. His unique combination of experiences and heartfelt commitment to animals sets the stage for an exciting literary journey into the country of Ignacia.