Gail Strickland—classicist, poet and musician—was recognized by The Baltimore Review & Writers’ Digest and published by the Oxford University Journal New Satyrica. While studying the classics in college, Gail translated much of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. Always passionate about music and bringing the richness of Homer's language and culture to today's youth, Gail mentored young poets and novelists and introduced thousands of youngsters to piano and Greek mythology. Gail was born in Brooklyn, New York and grew up in northern California. She raised her children, read French philosophers in French and played in an eclectic country band called the Prairie Dogs whose claim to fame was being the only band to play Candlestick Park between the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Her first book, NIGHT OF PAN … a mythic journey of a young Oracle in ancient Greece, was published by Curiosity Quills Press November7, 2014. NIGHT OF PAN is book one of THE ORACLE OF DELPHI TRILOGY.