Gary Millar


Gary Millar is the the Principal of Queensland Theological College and the co-founder and Chair of The Gospel Coalition Australia. After studying chemistry in his home city of Belfast, he moved to Aberdeen in Scotland to study theology, before completing a D.Phil at Oxford on Deuteronomy. Gary worked as a pastor for the next 17 years in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and was involved in both church revitalisation and church planting, before moving to Brisbane to lead the team at QTC. Gary teaches Old Testament, Pastoral Ministry and Preaching, and preaches every Tuesday morning in college chapel. Gary has written on Deuteronomy ('Now Choose Life' in the NSBT series, 'Time and Place in Deuteronomy' JSOTS 174), 1, 2, Kings (ESV Expository Commentary), Prayer ('Calling on the Name of the Lord: A Biblical Theology of Prayer' also in the NSBT series) and Preaching ('Saving Eutychus', written with Phil Campbell). He has also contributed to several other works 'The Trustworthiness of God' (New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (ed. Paul Helm and Carl Trueman); 'Jesus Betrayed and Crucified in His Mission: Jesus in the Gospel of Luke' (ed. D.A. Carson and K. Nielsen), and the ESV's Men's Devotional Bible'. His book on the Christian life, 'Need to Know', was published by the Good Book Company at the start of 2020, with '2 Corinthians for You' to be released later on in the year. Gary travels widely throughout Australia and beyond, seeking to encourage local churches. He is married to Fiona, and they have three daughters, Lucy, Sophie and Rebekah.



