Gene Ano


Gene (pronounced “Gin”) Ano earned his PhD in clinical psychology from Bowling Green State University, Ohio. With several years of experience as a therapist, Gene originally had dreams of starting his own private practice. However, soon after his daughter Genesis was born, crisis hit home and Gene shifted his focus to teaching so he could spend more time raising his daughter. Dr. Ano currently works as a psychology professor at Mt. San Antonio College, where he has received numerous awards for his fun and engaging teaching style. He has published various academic book chapters and empirical research articles on topics such as religious coping, spiritual struggles, and multicultural competence, but he is now writing for a general audience with his daughter, Genesis, about Walt’ Disney’s psychology of success and personal development. Although Dr. Ano no longer practices therapy in a formal setting, he draws upon his training as a clinical psychologist to help people transform their lives as a motivational speaker, success coach, and executive consultant. He is passionate about helping others pursue their dreams using life lessons learned at the Disney Parks. Therefore, Gene splits his time between California and Florida, and he and Genesis have been to Disneyland more than 1,000 times and Walt Disney World more than 250 times.

