Geniuz Gamer


Helllllooooooo passionate gamers :D Let me introduce myself. My name is Ryan aka Geniuz Gamer. I’ve been playing games from the time I powered up my first computer. You name any game; I’ve played them all :)))) Gaming is my life, my passion and my reason for laughing. My closest friends like to call me Geniuz Gamer since I am kinda addicted to games, but in a good way. I like to play them at the fullest, discovering all the secrets and endless possibilities. Most of the time I play games with my kids and I simply adore the grins on their faces when they laugh and enjoy their gaming experience. I hope you will enjoy the stories, guides, secrets….and everything else what my kids and I will write for you. Yes, that is right, my kids help me out :D The reason why my kids and I are writing these books is mainly because we want you too to enjoy playing them while having fun with your family and friends as well. Happy gaming everyone :))))))))



