George Capalbo


Well hello there! I see you're interested in me enough to check out my Author page - hopefully I can do enough awesome things to keep you staying a little longer! :) My name is George Capalbo, and i'm a 17 (soon to be 18) year old writer that's been working on stories ever since I was young. I absolutely love writing with all my heart, and it's something i'm determined to make a career out of, no matter what happens. I'm not too sure on whether or not i'll release a novel i've been working on, here. We'll have to see what happens with it, but for now, i'll leave a status update at the bottom to keep you interested! I'll be releasing short stories on here once a month, and i'll always set my previous story to "Free" for a certain while when I do, so people can get a taste of what I have. (Hopefully it's a flavor you enjoy!) Thanks for checking out my profile and reading my things. I really mean it - writing is the love of my life, and I sincerely hope you can join me and everyone else inside my magical worlds. You - yes, you, the person sitting there reading this, is awesome. Thank you. STATUS OF NOVEL: 3/25 - Author's Page Created! 3/25 - Reached Page 50! Cover art in the works...

