George T. Lynn


George Lynn is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor from Bellevue, Washington who has pioneered the use of psychotherapy for adults and children with neuropsychological issues. He has lectured internationally on the subject and is the author of four popular books on parenting children with extreme behavior challenges. His career as a psychotherapist and writer spans thirty years. He has taught at the graduate level at Antioch University, the University of Puget Sound, and Chapman College and holds Masters Degrees from the University of Colorado in Public Administration and Antioch University in Psychology. His articles have been featured in several national magazines including The Family Therapy Networker and Hope. He has appeared on National Public Radio, Air America, and the Maury Povich Show to talk about his work with children with extreme behavior problems. Since 1991, George has focused attention on the powerful impact of brain chemistry in the process of personal change and development. He has developed a practice specialty working with children and adults with AD/HD, Tourette's syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Asperger's Syndrome. George is author of Survival Strategies for Parenting Your AD/HD Child. Dealing With Obsessions, Compulsions, Depression, Explosive Behavior, and Rage (Underwood Books, 1996), Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2000), Genius! Nurturing the Spirit of the Wild, Odd, and Oppositional Child (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005), The Asperger Plus Child: How To Identify and Help Children with Asperger Syndrome and Seven Common Co-Existing Conditions (Autism and Aspergers Publishing Company, 2007) and Breaking the Trance: A Practical Guide for Parenting the Screen-Dependent Child (Central Recovery Press, 2016). In his books, George provides an understanding of the inner experience of children with severe behavior problems as well as techniques that may be used by parents and therapists to help them.


