Geralyn Spiesz


Geralyn Spiesz holds both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Occupational Therapy. With a diverse career spanning work with adults with developmental disabilities, inpatient and outpatient care, rehabilitation, long-term care, and home care, Geralyn has developed a deep expertise in supporting individuals across various settings. Her professional journey took a profound turn in 2007 with the birth of her son, Lucas. Refusing to accept the limitations often associated with Down syndrome, Geralyn embarked on a relentless quest for knowledge, exploring fields such as neurodevelopment, epigenetics, neuroplasticity, functional medicine, and nutrition, to list a few. She combined these with her occupational therapy background to develop input-organizing, strengths-based neurodevelopmental plans tailored to Lucas’s unique needs. Driven by her desire to share her insights and empower other parents, Geralyn founded The Down Syndrome Action Plan Facebook group. This community encourages parents to blend their expert knowledge of their child with integrative approaches to neurodevelopment, redefining what Down syndrome can mean for their children and their families.


