Gleen Black


Gleen Black is a woman passionate about reading and romance, which motivated her to write. For her, there is nothing like composing stories through the computer wearing her favorite pajamas, collecting post-it notes, and filling them with her favorite phrases. A wall and she are the faithful witnesses of that little fascination. She loves to paste those phrases and review them to bring the stories and their characters back to life. In April 2020, she launched her first novel, El Capo, on Amazon, becoming an international Best Seller. Followed by this come the books that begin the Skulls Brothers series; Raze and Vicky. As well as the complements of the Italian Mafia series; La Reina del Capo and La Orden del Capo. She is the mother of two kids, lives in New York, surrounded by friends and family. A nature lover, she is a fan of social networks, writing, and reading in winter with her best allies: a cup of coffee and a thousand ideas.



