I am Professor of Education and Language Assessment at the University of Leicester. Previously, I taught English as a Second Language in Cyprus, Greece and the Gulf. Before coming to Leicester I also taught at the Universities of Surrey and Dundee. My main interests lie in the field of language testing and educational assessment. To discover more about language testing, you can visit my website at http://languagetesting.info. Here I maintain resources on the subject which complement the content of my books. I have extensive experience of working on test design and development projects, including the design and creation of test specifications, item/task design and prototyping, item/task review procedures, pre-testing, test analysis and assembly, and the design of both paper and computer delivery systems. I have a particular expertise in the design and development of rating instruments for performance assessments, particularly those in the assessment of speaking and communication. I have also published many research papers in journals such as Language Testing, Applied Linguistics, System and Language Assessment Quarterly and Educational Theory and Philosophy. I also write on the philosophical, ethical and legal aspects of language testing and assessment, including test mandates, political agendas, and legal cases involving test use and interpretation. Professionally, I have served on the boards of many organizations, such as the International Language Testing Organization (ILTA), of which I was President in 2006. I was Editor of the premier journal Language Testing from 2007 - 2015.