Glenn Palmer-Smith


My first complete sentence as a child was, "I've got to get out of here!" That's because I was born in Flint, Michigan. I couldn't sing or dance so I painted and drew. I barely made it out of high school but flourished in college. Got a B.A.m M.A. and M.F.A in fine arts. I was president of my class in undergraduate school and married the runner-up to Miss Michigan Hot House Rhubarb. I stayed in graduate school for a double hit because living like a grownup didn't look like much fun. Eventually I found my way to New York and worked in the art department of Sports Illustrated although I knew nothing about, and still don't, sports. Through a series of funny accidents that can only happen in the petrie dish of opportunity that is New York I became a fashion photographer and moved to Paris where I married a magnificently beautiful model with whom I eventually reproduced two magnificently handsome sons. Eventually I returned to New York and became a photographer's agent, made pots of money, blew it all along with my second marriage. Once the sons were sprung from the nest I returned to my first love of painting and opened a studio in Harlem and began painting murals for wonderful interior designers who worked for Republicans who have expensive walls that needed decorating. Out of that grew my first book, Murals of New York City. My second book is an accumulation of all the wonderful things I've learned in Alcoholics Anonymous. Now I am happily married, ride a Harley, have a house in the Hudson Valley and love my two grandsons to the limits my heart could have never imagined.


